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2016 New Season First Monday Night: Patriot @ 红雀

The 2016 season’s first Monday night game, will enter the superbown team in the last season, the new England Patriots will come to Arizona from the Arizona to challenge the Red Sparring across the entire US continent. The two teams last season can be described as a racked, and the regular season is unhappy. In the United States Union final, Feng-Miller, wholesale nfl jerseys Miller, killed the patriot; and the red scitch was killed by the black panther. The new season, the Red Shot continued to upgrade again, and the patriot is a little lack of soldiers, cheap jerseys from china and the deer will not know. However, it is foreseen that this is definitely a very ornaable game.

Fantasy Configuration of Palcha Offset Group can make many teams red. Not only has the leader of the league, but also has a fascinating racing combination. Last season, Xiu David — Johnson’s outbreak made up for the regret of the draft conference, and this rookie ran is also proved in the game, and it can run quickly and flexible. Tit into the super bowl. And the 2000 code Mr. Chris Johnson is also a spring career and a spring. An old combination also completely let Alinkton become a third replacement. Fitzgerald faces the performance of Green Bay last season, and will tell those underestimates, although Lian Po is old, but still can ride a thousand miles. Freud, «Brown Double Star» is also JJ. Nelson will continue to provide firepower on the court, letting the rickets continue to fly. «League’s second striker» Ivan Masis also joined the red bird during the offset period, and the front line was upgraded again.

Let’s take a look at the patriot, the problem of offensive frontline still exists. However, we may have to see the tactics of «Double Close Tight Front», Martelus-Bente, from the bear team, will further enrich the Antien of Billyck. However, it is more worth noting to pay attention to the main quarter Tom Brradi’s lack of patriots fans. The preseason showed a slightly mediocre, the young quarter-bit Jimmy-Glalo got a pressure to help the patriot to open the door?


The proconographic defensive group played a fairly bright performance last season. Especially in the backfinder Shuangjie Thai — Matthew and Patrick Peterson’s performance is perfect. At the end of the season, the season of reimbursement is also a further important reason. The lunch period ensures the complete conservative lineup, and introduces the front patriot main rushing hand Chendler-Jones, which is a great supplement for the rushing of the rickets. At the same time, at the election meeting, Mississippi University potential defensive cut Robert-Kemphi, which is also a good supplement to Gale-Campbell that is getting older.

Phambering the biggest problem of the patriot defens group may still be rushing, the rest of the compensation is in the sequence of killing Wang Deller-Jones, and Ningkevic is also leaving. Although it supplemented the main defending of the ram Chris Long, how many data can you contribute to the end of the age? Good in the defensive group is still the same as the class last season, which will make the fans have more expectations for their performance this year.

Author: Zhang Wei

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