Today, in the fifth part of our groundbreaking series,

Today, in the fifth part of our groundbreaking series, GP Dr David Unwin reveals how to eat out if you are following a low-carb diet, while chef and food writer Katie Caldesi offers more exclusive low-carb recipes.

There’s absolutely no need to hide away or to punish yourself because you’re following a low-carbohydrate Keto Diet Guide.

Food is at the heart of our social lives whether it’s a birthday celebration or supper with friends, so it’s essential to find a way of taking part while keeping to the regimen.

In fact, if you bear a few simple tips in mind, you may find it easier to stick to a low-carb plan that allows you to enjoy creamy sauces and plenty of meat or fish when eating out than trying to grapple with complicated calorie-counting.

The good news is that going low-carb should mean you won't feel hungry or want to snack. That's because the good protein you are eating will satisfy your hunger, but also because you're avoiding the spikes — and crashes — in blood sugar that make you crave more food [File photo]

The good news is that going low-carb should mean you won’t feel hungry or want to snack.That’s because the good protein you are eating will satisfy your hunger, but also because you’re avoiding the spikes — and crashes — in blood sugar that make you crave more food [File photo]

In restaurants, look for meals based on good-quality proteins and vegetables, such as steak and salad or fish and vegetables in a creamy, cheese sauce.

Don’t be afraid to ask for slight variations to the menu, such as ordering two starters or asking for a salad instead of chips or new potatoes.

Katie Caldesi says: ‘We have a low-carb menu in our restaurant — and the traditional Italian ragu sauce served on buttered cabbage ribbons instead of tagliatelle is particularly popular.

‘You could ask most kitchens to serve your favourite Italian sauce on a bed of spinach or other vegetables instead of pasta and it would be very easy for them to oblige.’

Food is at the heart of our social lives whether it's a birthday celebration or supper with friends, so it's essential to find a way of taking part while keeping to the regimen. A stock image is used above [File photo]

Food is at the heart of our social lives whether it’s a birthday celebration or supper with friends, so it’s essential to find a way of taking part while keeping to the regimen. A stock image is used above [File photo]

Ask for the bread basket to be removed to avoid any nibbling before the meal arrives. 

Instead, snack on olives — the savoury taste and rich texture make them quite satisfying. 

Or drink sparkling water — you’ll find the bubbles help to fill you up — while waiting for your food.

Puddings can present a challenge, so it’s often best to opt for coffee with a dash of cream or a plate of cheese (without the crackers or bread) at the end of a meal. 

If you’re in an Indian restaurant, think of ordering a curry, but not the rice or naan bread.And don’t dip into the chocolates or mints at the end!

Alcohol should also be seen as a treat — but again, you can enjoy it in moderation if you avoid higher-carb drinks, such as beer, lager and cider, which can contain up to 18g per pint (which has the equivalent effect on your blood sugar levels as 4½ tsp of sugar).

In restaurants, look for meals based on good-quality proteins and vegetables, such as steak and salad or fish and vegetables in a creamy, cheese sauce. Don't be afraid to ask for slight variations to the menu [File photo]

In restaurants, look for meals based on good-quality proteins and vegetables, such as steak and salad or fish and vegetables in a creamy, cheese sauce.Don’t be afraid to ask for slight variations to the menu [File photo]

Wine is a better choice — both red and white are relatively low- carb, with one medium-sized 175ml glass of either containing 4g of carbs (the equivalent effect of 1 tsp of sugar on blood sugar levels once digested).Keep well within 14 units per week.

And watch out for low or no-alcohol ‘mocktails’ — many of which are based on sugary cordials or fruit juice.

Instead, ask the barman to make you a low-calorie version with sparkling water, slices of lemon, lime and/or cucumber —add a sprig of mint and even a dash of Angostura bitters for a delicious drink.

And obviously avoid the bar snacks.But the good news is that going low-carb should mean you won’t feel hungry or want to snack. 

That’s because the good protein you are eating will satisfy your hunger, but also because you’re avoiding the spikes — and crashes — in blood sugar that make you crave more food.This is because going low-carb will help you burn fat.

Nearly all the cells in your body are like hybrid cars. They can, in fact, burn two different fuels: sugar (glucose) or fat.

Puddings can present a challenge, so it's often best to opt for coffee with a dash of cream or a plate of cheese (without the crackers or bread) at the end of a meal

Puddings can present a challenge, so it’s often best to opt for coffee with a dash of cream or a plate of cheese (without the crackers or bread) at the end of a meal

However, the higher levels of insulin in someone eating carbs prevents the use of fat as a fuel. 

This explains why for decades I was always hungry, no matter how many biscuits I ate. 

Going low-carb meant my ever-nagging hunger vanished in weeks, something that also surprises my patients.

It’s something the Caldesis also noticed.As Katie told me: ‘Once you get used to eating low-carb, you will find you just don’t feel as hungry. When your blood sugar levels stabilise, you’ll find you naturally break that carb-driven cycle of constantly needing to nibble and graze through the day.’

Katie certainly did, and tells me: ‘I’m now a size 10 after spending most of my adult life as a size 16 and I really don’t feel constantly hungry any more.’

Plum, walnut and brandy cake

This cake is meant for chilly autumn days when you come home needing hot tea and comfort food.Have it on its own, or dress it up with whipped cream.

Serves 10

Per serving: Carbohydrates, 13g; protein, 8.2g; fat, 24g; fibre, 5.7g; calories, 323

  • 100g melted butter or coconut oil plus a little more for greasing
  • 2 Medjool dates, stoned and chopped
  • 1 carrot, grated
  • 2 medium apples, peeled, grated
  • 4 plums, stoned and cut into wedges
  • 100g walnuts or pecans, chopped
  • 25g ground flaxseed
  • 25g coconut flour
  • 4 medium eggs, beaten
  • 100g ground almonds
  • 2 tsp gluten-free baking powder
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 2 tsp ground ginger
  • ½ tsp ground cloves
  • 2 tbsp brandy or rum, optional 

Heat the oven to 180c/gas 4.Generously butter and line a cake tin.

Mash the dates in a mixing bowl with 2 tbsp hot water to form a paste. Add the grated carrots and apples to the bowl, along with half of the plums. 

Then add the remaining ingredients (except the brandy) and mix thoroughly.Spoon into the prepared tin and arrange the rest of the plums on top.

Bake the cake for 45 minutes. Check that a toothpick comes out clean when inserted; if not, cook for a few minutes more. 

Remove from the oven and allow to cool for 20 minutes.

Make shallow holes with a fork and pour in the brandy.Remove from the tin and serve with butter, mascarpone, cream cheese or whipped cream.

Plum, walnut and brandy cake

Plum, walnut and brandy cake

Hazelnut shortbread squares with chocolate

Makes 16 squares

Per serving: Carbohydrates, 3.4g; protein, 2.9g; fat, 13g; fibre, 1.7g; calories, 144

  • 200g blanched hazelnuts 
  • 2 Medjool dates
  • 60g butter
  • 35g ground almonds
  • 25g dark chocolate (85% cocoa solids) 

Heat the oven to 180c/gas 4.Take a roasting tray lined with baking parchment, scatter the hazelnuts over, and cook in the oven for 8 minutes, or until they are golden-brown.

Line a square tin with baking parchment; it should stick up from the edges of the tin so you can use it to lift out the biscuits when they are done.

When the hazelnuts have cooled, blitz briefly until the pieces are a mix of sizes from that of sand to gravel. 

Melt the dates in 3 tbsp of hot water in a small bowl, then bash them to a puree with a fork. 

Push puree through a fine sieve into a mixing bowl to get rid of the skins.Add the nuts, butter and almonds, and mix.

Spoon the biscuit mixture into the tin and flatten out with your fingers. It should be tightly pressed down.

Bake for 15 minutes or until golden-brown. Remove from the oven and use a knife to cut the biscuits into 16 squares.Allow them to cool in the tin.

Heat the chocolate briefly in the microwave until just melted or in a small bowl over a pan of boiling water (do not allow the bowl to touch the water).

Using a spoon, flick the chocolate in diagonal lines over the biscuits.Allow the chocolate to set and use the paper to lift the shortbread out of the tin. Store in a sealed container for up to 3 days.  

Hazelnut shortbread squares with chocolate

Hazelnut shortbread squares with chocolate

Autumn fruit frangipane galette

This stunning dessert is not off-limits even on a low-carb diet.Use any seasonal ripe low-carb fruit such as apricots, plums, berries or apples that are naturally sweet and you won’t need any added sugar.

Serves 12

Per serving: Carbohydrates, 14g; protein, 12g; fat, 44g; fibre, 7.4g; calories, 518

For the pastry 

  • 2 Medjool dates, finely chopped 
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 150g cold butter, cut into small cubes
  • 150g ground almonds
  • 100g coconut flour
  • Finely grated zest of a lemon
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp cream
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract

For the frangipane 

  • 2 Medjool dates, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 100g butter
  • 100g ground almonds
  • 2 medium eggs
  • 1 tsp almond extract
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 500g ripe low-carb fruits such as plums, cut into bite‑sized pieces 

Heat the oven to 180c/gas 4.Make the pastry first by softening the dates in the milk in a bowl in the microwave or in a small pan over a medium heat. 

Use a fork to mash it into a puree. Sieve the date mixture into a mixing bowl and add the butter, almonds, coconut flour and zest. 

Stir together with a wooden spoon until they are well combined.

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