The benefits of Several types of Flags

You can see a set of Jennifer Q’s lake house flags from last year that still manage to survive and fly on the Peace Bell deck. As some of you know, here in Maleny in Australia we encouraged a few artists to participate in Flags for Peace 2012, and to fly their flags on International Day of Peace. We met on the Peace Bell deck with flags in hand to give them a test run and take a few photos for this blog. The members of the artists group ‘Roots’ that are involved in the Flags project met last Friday evening to plan our activities. We met in Ana Carreras’ studio. From left to right: Birgit, Esther, Francesca, Angel, Lilianne, Jordi, Monica, Silvia and Ana. The second form of this function sets the value for all the format flags of the stream, overwriting the existing values and clearing any flag not explicitly set in the argument. The 1SSP value depicts the flags of The People’s Republic Of China and South Sudan flying beside each other and cleverly emphasises the links between the 2 countries which lie behind the production of these stamps. Check out the links on the next page for more in-depth information about your options.

But there is so much more you can do. Hints can be released together with challenge assignment or later during the game, based on current players’ progress. Finally, we also contributed to the current practice of running CTF games by developing two open-source software plugins. Although sometimes I’m quick to preach it, I don’t always practice it. As the new space race heats up, and as private and profit-making concerns look to the deep sky with dollar signs in their eyes, the need for a tighter regulatory framework grows ever clearer. You don’t need to manually open Microsoft Edge. This happens for the same reason that stars are harder to see in big cities than in wide open fields — there’s a lot more light bouncing around from street lamps in the city, so the stars are hidden from view. Three simple words with a lot of meaning. So I’ve tried to put a lot of emphasis on practicing it daily. I know that for my personal venture of practicing more compassion is to let go of anger and resentment. It was of the Dalai Lama explaining that the way to maintain happiness in your life is through compassion. I also think if I repeat the weathergrams it might become something that is known and hoped for/expected each year in a way — as people drive and walk by, they will be reminded that it’s about peace.

I have in mind that these hand-made paper flags might become my indoor flags for the year, and I am slowly working out what to do with them and where they might hang. Tried to incorporate some peace cranes into the paper. I think Fiona will be posting on this test run as well later on so readers will have to put up with a bit of overlap and repetition — guess that is ok in the pursuit of peace. Many thanks and go well, Fiona. Thanks for your participation so far, and hopefully for your permission to use images of your flags in this publication. Since then we have been fortunate to receive a grant (around A$1700) to use the photographs of the Maleny Peace Flags and to publish them in a Blurb book. Fiona’s is one of her indoor ones (hand made paper with imbedded peace cranes). In this paper we discuss partially oriented flag manifolds, which parametrize flags in which some of the subspaces may be endowed with an orientation. So did Betsy Ross, the humble seamstress from Philadelphia, have a hand in sewing and designing the all-important flag and symbol for the fledgling United States?

The book will also be available to purchase from the Blurb book site once we have published it. The book will be a hard cover, coffee-table kind of book which we will donate to schools and public Libraries in our area. We are also hoping to tell the story of how the Maleny Peace Flags fit in with this blog and the project started by Mary Jane, and would love to include as many images from here as we can at the back of the book — to show how it fits together. Importantly, large particles like what most people think of as ash do not typically travel that far from the fire, but small particles, or aerosols, can travel across continents. These bird and animal beads are so small that you can string together a whole herd! Wicker started out small — just boxes and baskets. As Barry said, it’s good to be reminded to get out there and get making for our 2013 peace flags!

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