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The qualifying times will be posted on the front page of our swim team website if you are interested in seeing them. It’s not an issue if they have to pause 1-2 times on the lane rope on their way down the pool, as they first start. It’s looking like we are short a few jobs, so if you just love helping out, feel free to take as many as you’d like! Feel free to mix and match with different tops-remember to have fun! This match is created for females that require even more protection. The actual site doesn’t even say there will be video feed, but the tab says audio/video, and it just says the live feed has expired. For those that have large busts, you’ll be able to get a top with extra support and even an underwire. We need a clerk of course (helps put kids on the benches to line up for events) and a head timer (stands and starts extra watches for all events to give to timers if theirs doesn’t work). She is responsible for creating an accurate line up and turning it in early. Saturday, June 23 is our next meet. HOME again, this Saturday, June 30th against North Cape Arthur.

It is HOME vs. Second, you will save a great amount of time because you will have it all home. Additionally, some of you may have notices some discrepancies in results and medal meet qualifying times, as related to our first meet against Fair Oaks. There were some technical issues in the conversion of times, so that is being resolved as we speak. Find a pool in your area or contact your location directly for dates, times, and availability. It has been moved to Oakleigh Forest(no longer our pool). Correction to previous emails: Tonight’s officials’ clinic is at Oakleigh Forest at 7:00 pm. The coaches will run an optional clinic style practice after photos for anyone who would like to stay. All swim team members are eligible to have their photos taken and will receive prints at the banquet, as part of the dues paid. Reminder: Team photos are this Friday, June 22 at 9:00 am. Individual and sibling photos will take place after the team photo. 9 am, but all volunteers should be there no later than 8:45, as there are meetings and organizing that take place prior to the start. Folks doing jobs for the first time, or specific roles such as table, starter, referee, and stroke and turn should definitely try to be there.

And it’s warm. At first I thought I’d got into the hot tub by accident. That got me in the groove. Warm ups are at 8:30. The meet starts at 9:00 am. Warm ups begin promptly at 8 am. Thank you to all of our wonderful parents for filling all of the volunteer spots for this first meet. 2. Our first meet is Saturday June 16th at Fair Oaks. Great first meet! It was really exciting to see so many new swimmers trying their first go at this sport. In order to officially complete the registration process, you must sign up for your swim meet jobs on the Sign Up Genius link below. Additionally, please remind anyone who provides child care, or any adult that is with your child, that they should avoid communicating with the kids while they are in the water under the supervision of the coaches (unless there’s an emergency obviously) in order to avoid distractions.

They are suggested to for double swimming cap style as it can protect them from heavy flow of water. This provides you with a surrounding in which you can rest after working out in the spa. Morning as a race to get up, get done whatever needed to get done, and get out the door to get to work on time. But, in fairness, I have to say we did get a photo of pink compression socks. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Important DatesOfficials and Volunteer Training at WH on June 12th at 6pm.This is important for new volunteers, and key role such as starter, referee, and stroke and turn judge. 3. Volunteer training is on June 12th at 7 pm. This private school gives you proper training until you became a perfect swimmer. This training is intented for starters, referees, stroke and turn judges, and anyone new to timing. Stroke Clinics focus on mastering one specific stroke at a time, such as freestyle snorkel, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly. The specific meet schedule is available on the Calendar and Schedule tabs. Please refer to the schedule below.


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