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wholesale nfl jerseys London: Dolphins are lightweight

The annual wholesale nfl jerseys London is once again played, and the three London events this year is the Miami dolphins against the Auckland raid. The final dolphins take the raid in 38-14.

At the beginning of the competition, first, first, the raid is the raid. In their first attack, DEREK CARR, completed the 30 yards of James Jones James Jones. After the raid, Carl was completed 2 important three-speed conversion through the pass. In the end, Carle passed the ball Brajron Leinhart (Brian Leonhardt) in the Dolphin 3-yard line. However, the rhythm of the game will be controlled by the dolphins. In addition to 2 lost money, they can score almost every attack before the competition has set. After the raid, after 7-0, the dolphin was completed 1 time, 41 yards were divided, and then the raid slaughter was attacked. After the criticized dolphins, the Darn Tannehill was completed. 3 large-size pass attacks and passed on the second section of the first stage to take the Mike Mike Wallace to complete 13 yards. At the beginning, the attack will not find the rhythm after the attack, or the three-speed conversion loss is either a rapid attack, wholesale Seattle Seahawks jerseys free shipping not a discard, or it is more troubled, and the dolphins take this opportunity to pull the score. Runa Miller Miller (Lamar Miller) complete the 9-yard ball to reach, after the offensive of the dolphins, Tagnes and the near-end Edge Don Dion SIMS completed 18 points Array. At the end of the first half, the Dolphins 24-7 leads.

The opening of the next half, the dolphins have the opportunity to expand the score, but the running 卫米 勒 区 区 区 区 区 区 区 卫But very fast raids returned to the ball back, Dolphin Corner Grimes copied against Carl Pass and returned to the 3-yard line of the raid. This back Miller didn’t let the opportunity slipped away, and he continued to enter the Arch Area for 2 consecutive times. After the raid, the snow is mixed with the four-point Wei Karl injury has to withdraw from the competition, and the number of four points of Matt McGloin will be brought to the second attack after the game. Error drop, Dolphin Kuttland — Vortland Finnegan, Gabanan, Returned to the ball and attacked 50 yards. The competition has been fixed. The next wave of the raid, McGlolin’s pass was copied by the dolphins, but the dolphins were also terminated due to the passage of Tagnes. Subsequent raids still have no way in the offensive end, while dolphins continue to rely on short biography and mushroom consumption time. At the fourth section, McGlolin finally started the team’s 10-yard line to play a successful promotion, and finally 22 yards passed the ball to the external hands Andre Holmes completed the Deta. The team sailed a slight color. McGlolin was again copied again, but there was no overall situation. The final dolphins 38-14 defeat the raid.

The biggest highlight of this game is four-point guard tower, which is one of his best in the three-year career performance. In the game, he once again completed the pass in a row, cheap nfl jerseys for sale before half of the half. The quarter-off assignment reached 146.5, and finally he was 31 passed by 23 times in this game. 278 yards 2 times. Of course, this may also be related to the poor performance of the raid man’s defensive group. The raid is the side of the raid, Carl 25 passed 16 successfully obtained 146 yards 1 time to 1 time being copied, his substitute McGlolin passed 12 years successfully 129 yards 1 time to reach 2 times The ball is copied.

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