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Jet and line Weavar Haris for free shipping jerseys 3 years

New York Jet Machine Wire David — Harris Harris is not used to find new east during the offset period. According to the cheap nfl jerseys not from china official website reporter, the jet has been consistent with Harris for a three-year, worth $ 21.5 million, has been agreed. In this contract, Harris, china wholesale jerseys nfl us com the first two seasons, will have a partial part of the 15 million.

Previously, Harris was naturally linked by Bill by the front jet head. 31-year-old Harris experienced rich experience in anti-running and raids. Many media will be seen as one of the highest-priced lines in this year. One of the defensive philosophy of todd bowles is constantly pressing the opponent, and he also looks also to Harris’s ability. In order to ensure that the team structure is as complete as possible, the jet will eventually leave Harris before other teams.

After Brandon Marshall, the propan is obtained, the jet will be handled in the contractual problem of Percy Harvin. Relevant people revealed that jets have been more satisfied with existing offensive lineups, and they will try to continue to upgrade defensive groups.

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