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Packaging worker with appreciation of Gg London

Exclude New England Patriots lost to Green Bay Packaging Work on Sunday, Rob Gronkowski completed 7 games in the past few games to advance 98 yards.

Packaging workers’ corner Wei haha ​​- HA HA Clinton-DIX has made great contributions to Gronosky’s defense, including shooting the ball in his hand in the Red District, and grabbed the ball, with this Lay the winning party for the packaging work.

Clinton said that Sunday had said that the game against Geuroski: «Get a lot of confidence», but this is cost. After our corner guard, oakley sunglasses sale the Gronoski was evaluated in his own twitter, oakley sunglasses sale and he didn’t try to attack him with a high position. «I will never try to use high-hearted postures. Hold or hit @ 考斯基. # 重

We don’t know which to attach this new show that is graduated from Alabama, maybe this ball can explain something.

It’s really lucky to the fans of the patriots, Gronoski’s body shape and speed make the defensive players have to generate hesitation, maybe the next Clinton will not make similar mistakes.


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