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Alliance Appeals Successfully Restore Braddy’s 4 Penal Punishment

The US Second Appeals made a ruling on Monday morning, recovering the 4-point punishment of Tom Brady and the relationship between Tom Brady and «Pneumatic» event.

Breddy’s appeal was originally overthrown by the US District Court in September last year.

In its judgment of 33 opinion, wholesale jerseys the decision of the Second Circuit Court this can be summarized by the following statement: «We believe the Union president fully maintained great caution within the scope of collective bargaining agreement, ruling his program properly made under the agreement There is no deprived Basic fairness of Braddy. Therefore, we overthrow the ruling of the regional court and provide our opinion to confirm this ruling. «

nfl jerseys President Roger, Roger Goodell, I talked about the importance of this appeal in February this year. At that time he said this is more related to the rights declared in the labor agreement. His comments seem to predict this ruling. Now the court decision makes the patriots in a difficult situation at the time of the draft. The team has been punished for the «venting door» to lose the first roundabout.

The patriot’s new season will start challenge the Sunday Nest of Arizona Sunday. Then they will take a conseen to take the home of the town at home to meet Miami Dolphin, Houston Texas and Buffalo.

After the decision announced, the Alliance issued a statement to satisfied this result and satisfied with the court to recognize that Gudel was properly implemented by the labor agreement to give him the power. The NFL player will also publish a statement, expressing disappointment for this judgment, they think that before GuDer did not make a fair ruling and the player’s rights were damaged.

The Court of Appeal was firmly pointed out in the judgment to determine more and maintaining the power in the labor agreement in the labor agreement and ensuring that Gudel did not abuse the power referred to in the agreement. In the opinion of the court judgment has repeatedly said the decision concerns the scope of their rather limited, that is not to determine whether Brady participation «release valve» or whether he should be banned for three games or five games or should not have been suspended, they just It is determined whether the entire penalty process is in line with some basic principles of the labor agreement.

In short, the Court of Appeal will convey the meaning of NFL players. If you don’t like President to ruling, why do you want to include such powers in the labor agreement? This means of the terms of the labor agreement mentioned in the Tribunal: «All relevant fines or banned punishment for players due to their acts in the course … will be processed in the next manner: the President of the Alliance will quickly take him For the actions taken by the players, they deliver the players through written documents, and they will also send written documents to the NFL player work. Within three working days after writing, they are punished, or to get the NFL player work of the player license. Appea to President. «


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